- Ph.D. African Studies(History), University of Ibadan, 1994
- M.A. African Studies(History), University of Ibadan, 1991
- B.A. Hons. (History), University of Ibadan, 1985
- Higher School Certificate, 1981
- West African School Certificate, 1977
- Certificate of attendance, Folklore Fellows’ Summer School for the study of folklore and traditional culture, University of Turku, Finland August 2-14,1993
- Associate Membership Certificate, The Folklore Fellows, an international network of folklorists instituted by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland, August 11,1993
- Certificate of Participation, Course on Practical Conflict-Handling Skills organised by Responding to Conflict (Birmingham), Academic Associates (Lagos) and SEMA Limited (Kaduna) in conjunction with The British Council and The British High Commission (Nigeria) held at the University of Lagos, Nigeria from 19 May to 6 June 1996
- Certificate of Attendance, "Ethnic Conflict in the Contemporary World: A Research Training Course" (a.ka. the First INCORE School for Ethnic Conflict Training) Organised by Joint Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity (INCORE)/ United Nations University (UNU), Aberfoyle House, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland 9-20 September 1996
- Certificate of Attendance, Corps of Mediators Training Workshop for Community Mediation and Conflict Resolution, organised by Academic Associates Lagos and Responding to Conflict, Birmingham, England under the sponsorship of the British High Commission and British Council, Training and Conference Centre, Ogere, 26-30 May 1997
- Certificate of Participation, Third International Leadership Training in Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping, International Leadership Academy, United Nations University, Amman, Jordan September 22 to November 2, 1999
- Participation in the Training Course on (1) Designing Early Warning Systems (2) Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, organized by the Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento (USA) in collaboration with The World Peace Fund, Washington DC, November/December 2001