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Professor Isaac Olawale Albert

Isaac Olawale Albert is a Nigerian Professor of African History, Peace and Conflict Studies and the pioneer Director of the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He was the Director of the University’s Institute of African Studies from August 2010 to July 2013.
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Curriculum Vitae



1.         NAME: ALBERT, Isaac Olawale, AMff (Helsinki), fspsp, FICA, FICMC


2.         DATE OF BIRTH: August 5, 1959


3.         MARITAL STATUS: Married (4 Children).



Department of Peace, Security and Humanitarian Studies (formerly Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies), University of Ibadan, Nigeria.           

Email: Tel. +2348033834639


5.         CURRENT ACADEMIC STATUS: Professor (African History/Peace Studies)/Dean, Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies



(a)  West African School Certificate, 1977.

(b)  Higher School Certificate, 1981.

(c)  B.A.Hons. History, University of Ibadan,1985.

(d)  M.A. African Studies(History),Univ. of  Ibadan,1991.

(e)  Ph.D. African Studies(History),Univ. of  Ibadan,1994.


Professional Qualifications and Diplomas:

            (a) Certificate of attendance, Folklore Fellows’ Summer School for the study of folklore and traditional culture, University of Turku, Finland August 2-14,1993.


(b)Associate Membership Certificate, The Folklore Fellows, an international network of  folklorists instituted by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland,  August 11,1993.


(c) Certificate of Participation, Course on Practical Conflict-Handling Skills organised by Responding to Conflict (Birmingham), Academic Associates (Lagos) and SEMA Limited (Kaduna) in conjunction with The British Council and The British High Commission (Nigeria) held at the University of Lagos, Nigeria from 19 May to 6 June 1996.


(d) Certificate of Attendance, "Ethnic Conflict in the Contemporary World: A Research Training Course" (a.ka. the First INCORE School for Ethnic Conflict Training) Organised by Joint Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity (INCORE)/ United Nations University (UNU), Aberfoyle  House, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland 9-20 September 1996.


(e)Certificate of Attendance, Corps of Mediators Training Workshop for Community Mediation and Conflict Resolution, organised by Academic Associates Lagos and Responding to Conflict, Birmingham, England under the sponsorship of the British High Commission and British Council, Training and Conference Centre, Ogere, 26-30 May 1997.


            (f)Certificate of Participation, Third International Leadership Training in Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping, International Leadership Academy, United Nations University, Amman, Jordan September 22 to November 2, 1999.


            (g)Participation in the Training Course on (1) Designing Early Warning Systems (2) Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, organized by the Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento (USA) in collaboration with The World Peace Fund, Washington DC, November/December 2001



(a)1991 Winner of the Thesis Writing Fellowship of the Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA),Dakar.(M.A. Dissertation).


(b)Winner of Chief M.K.O. Abiola Travel Fellowship for Academic Conferences, University of Ibadan, 1993/94 Session.


(c)Second time (1993) Winner of the Thesis Writing Fellowship of CODESRIA, Dakar.(PhD Thesis).


(d)1993 Winner (with Dr. E. E. Osaghae and Mr. V. Isumonah) of the Social Science  Council of Nigeria/IDRC Research Fellowship on the study of Economic Adjustment/Liberalization Policy in Nigeria.


(e)1994 Winner (with Dr.E.E. Osaghae and Mr.V. Isumonah) of the Social Science Council of Nigeria/Ford Foundation Research Fellowship on University Governance in Nigeria.


(f)British Council Visiting Scholar in Peace and Conflict Studies:

Visited (1) Centre for the Study of Conflicts, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland;(2) Joint International Programme on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity (INCORE), Peace Programme, Magee College Londonderry, Northern Ireland;(3) International Alert, London;(4) Centre for Defence Studies, King's College, University of London; (5) and Rutherford College, Centre for International Conflict Analysis, University of Kent in Canterbury (November 1995).


(g)British Council Visiting Scholar in Peace and Conflict Studies, INCORE, University of Ulster, Derry, Northern Ireland September - October 1996.


(h)Winner, Senate Grants for Academic Research, University of Ibadan 1999, “The Shiites and   Islamic Fundamentalism in Northern Nigeria”.



(i)Winner (for Academic Associates PeaceWorks, Lagos), United States Institute for Peace          Grant for the Project “Warri Crisis: Causes, Courses and Transformation”, 1999


(j)Winner (with Dr. J. Sheba and Ms. V. Odelami) OXFAM project on Communal Conflicts and Population Displacement in Nigeria - “Communal Conflicts and Population Displacement in Nigeria: The Ife-Modakeke Case”, facilitated by Pan African Centre for Research on Peace and Conflict Resolution, Enugu, 1999


(k)Winner (with Professors Alex Gboyega and F. Oloruntimehin), CODESRIA-Mac Arthur Foundation Project on African Real Economies - “Economics of Criminality in South-Western Nigeria”, 1999


(l)Winner, Senate Grants for Academic Research, University of Ibadan 2000, “The Role of Culture in Community Conflicts in Nigeria”.


(m)Senior Fellow, Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Ibadan, 2000.


(n)Winner, Senate Research Grants for Academic Research, University 2002, “Cultivating Peace in a Transitional State: The Experience of USAID/OTI in Nigeria since 1999”.


(o)Principal Investigator, “Ethnicity and Human Security Project”, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity, Conflict and Human Security, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford (January 2003 – April 2007)


(p) Federal delegate, 2014 National Conference (Nigeria), April – August, 2014


(q) Member, Presidential Committee on the Review of Nigeria’s Defence Policy (Ministry of Defence), November 2014 to February 2015


(r) Resident Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center for Scholars (Italy), February/March 2016


(s) Member TETFUND National Standing Committee on Research and Development (Sub-committee on Defence and Security) since 2020


(t) Member (2020), British Academy Project on “The Sahel Crisis in Historical Perspective: Supporting a Conflict-Sensitive Approach Through Interdisciplinary Research” based at the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom


(u) Member (2021), Advisory Board, “Migration, Urbanization and Conflict in Africa (MUCA)” Research Project supported of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) with a budget of two million Pounds for a period of three years (2021-2023), Institute for Peace and Security  Studies, Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.


(v)Member (2021), Scientific Advisory Committee of the West Africa Peace and Security Innovative (WAPSI) Forum, a platform designed by the ECOWAS Commission in the framework of the ECOWAS Peace and Security Architecture and Operations (EPSAO) Project, co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


Pioneering Efforts in Institution Building

a)     Established (with the support of the British Council West Africa) the MA and PhD Peace and Conflict Studies Programme for the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan in 2000

b)    Championed the establishment of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP) in 2001

c)     Established the Abdulsalami Abubakar Fund for Peace in Africa, University of Ibadan with N6.5million made from a book done in honour with the Nigerian former Head of State in 2006

d)    UNDP Consultant for the establishment of the MA Peace and Development Studies Programme of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 2007

e)     Established Peace Studies and Practice, Journal of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice in 2007

f)     Established the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin in 2009 (with the strong support of Prof. Is’aq Oloyede, the Vice Chancellor)

g)    Established the Dr. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu fund for Peace and Leadership Studies from the N10,000,000 made from the book done in honour of the former Governor of Niger State, 2011.

h)    Established the Journal of Peace Studies and Development for the Peace Studies Programme of the Institute of African Studies in  2005

i)      Established the MA and PhD in Gender Studies Programme of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan in 2012

j)      Established (with the support of Dr. Sola Olorunyomi) the MA and PhD in Diaspora and Transnational Studies of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan 2012

k)    Attracted the donation of three buildings to the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies University of Ibadan in 2016 – (i) a 150 capacity lecture hall by General Jones Arogbofa and (ii) a 300 capacity auditorium by Dr. Olanrewaju (iii) two 150 seater classrooms by Hon. Temitoye. Gen. Boro also provided 160 chairs and 40 tables.



            (a)Member, Historical Society of Nigeria.

            (b)Associate Member, Finnish Folklore Fellows (Helsinki).

            (c)Member, Nigeria Field Society

(d)Member, Conflict Management Network – Nigeria

(e)Member, Organising Committee, Women's Research and Documentation Centre (WORDOC), University of Ibadan.

(f)Member, African Association of Political Science.

(g)Forum Leader, Peaceful Transformations Forum, Ibadan.

(h) Fellow and Board Chairman, Board of Trustees, Society for Peace Studies and Practice (University of Ibadan, Nigeria)

(i) Regional Board Chairman, West African Network for Peacebuilding, Accra, Ghana

(J) Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration (ICA)

(g) Fellow, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators

(h) Full Member, Chatham House, London (113597)

(i) Member, West Africa Body of Peacebuilding Fellows, Accra, Ghana



(a) Social History of Africa

(b) African Political Economy

(c) Security Studies and Conflict Resolution

(d) Gender Studies



            NUMBER OF PHDs EXAMINED (Minus Ibadan role as “Internal Examiner”): 14 NIGERIA; 1 CANADA; 4 SOUTH AFRICA



Institut Francais de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA), Ibadan: "Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa Project" (1993-1997); “Security, Segregation and Social Networks” (2000-2001); “Decentralization and Urban Governance in Africa” (2002-Present).


United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS/Habitat), Nairobi: "Women and Urban Violence in Africa Project" 1995.


World Bank's Urban Management Programme, Regional Office for Africa, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - "Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa Project" 1995-1997.


DFID/British Council, Lagos (Overseas Coordinator, Academic Link between the University of Ibadan and INCORE, University of Ulster (Northern Ireland) in Peace and Conflict Studies, 1996-2001; Third Party Intervention in Community Conflicts, 1996-2003. In the process, I established the MA and PhD degree programmes of the University of Ibadan in Peeace and Conflict Studies


Academic Associates PeaceWorks, Lagos (Research and Intervention Consultant) - 1997-2000.


Member, International Scientific Committee, Ethno-Net Africa (a UNESCO Project on “Management of Social Transformation"(MOST)


Resource Person, CODESRIA Democratic Governance Institute on Violence, Law and Order in Africa, Dakar, Senegal August-September, 1998.


Consultant/Senior Trainer, United States International Agency for Development/Office of Transition Initiatives, February 2000 to September 2001.


Consultant, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, The Presidency, Abuja - 2001 to date.


Programme Leader, Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CEPACS), University of Ibadan, 2001-2009


Senior Consultant, TMG/UNEAD/UNDP/DFID/USAID Partnership Project on Civic Education in Nigeria, 2001-date


Consultant, Management Services International, New York (for USAID) for “Southern Conflict Strategic Plans Assessment” April 2004.


Consultant to UNDP Accra Ghana (Peace Education Project in Ghana, 2005/2006). Duty included the design of the Peace and Development Studies programme of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana


Consultant to UNDP Kenya (Peace education, 2011)


Resource Person to the MA courses of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center Accra, Ghana (2010 to date)


And some short Term Consultancies with USAID, DFID/British Council, UNDP, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Panos Institute (New York), OXFAM, Africom (Germany), IPCR The Presidency (Abuja), Institute of Security Studies Abuja etc. in Nigeria basically on issues bordering on conflict transformation.



Junior Research Fellow, July 1993

Research Fellow II, February 1994

Research Fellow I, November 1995

Senior Research Fellow, October 1999

Reader (Associate Professor), October 2003

Professor, October 2006

[Country Director, IDASA-Nigeria, 2006-2007 – Sabbatical Appointment]

[Foundation Director, Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin, Nigeria – a one-year assignment December 1, 2008 to December 30 2009]

Director, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (August 2010 to July 2013)

Director, Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan (September 26 2015 to July 30 2018)

Dean, Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies (since August 2 2019)




1."Hausa Community in Ibadan, c.1830-1986"

M.A. African Studies (History), University of Ibadan 1991


2."Urban Migrant Settlements in Nigeria: A Historical Comparison of the Sabon garis in Kano and Ibadan, 1893-1991", Ph.D thesis Univ. of Ibadan 1994.


Books (Authored/Edited/Co-edited)

1.Albert,I.O., Adisa,J., Agbola, T.,and Herault, G.(eds.), Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa, Ibadan: IFRA, 1994. 2 volumes 781pp.


2.Osaghae,E.E., Toure,I., Kouame,N., Albert,I.O. and Adisa,J. Urban Violence in Africa: Pilot Studies (South Africa, Coted'Ivoire, Nigeria), Ibadan:IFRA,1994.175pp.


3.Albert, I.O., T.Awe, G. Herault  and W. Omitoogun, Informal channels for conflict resolution in Ibadan, Nigeria, Ibadan: IFRA, 1995


4.Albert, I.O. Women and urban violence in Kano, Nigeria Ibadan: Spectrum Books,1996.


5.Uwazie, E. U., Albert, I.O and Uzogwe,G.N. (eds.), Inter-Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution in Nigeria, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 1999.


6. Otite, O and Albert, I.O. (eds), Community Conflicts in Nigeria: Management, Resolution and Transformation, Ibadan: Spectrum Books, 1999.


7. Albert, I.O. Introduction to Third Party Intervention in Community Conflicts, Ibadan: PETRAF/John Archers Books, 2001


8.     Albert, I.O. (ed.), Building Peace, Advancing Democracy: Third Party Intervention in Nigeria’s Conflicts, Ibadan: PETRAF/John Archers Books, 2001.


9.     Fourchard, L. and Albert, I.O. Eds. (2003), Security, Crime and Segregation in West African Cities since the 19th Century, Paris: Editions Karthala.


10.Albert, I.O. (ed. 2005), Perspectives on Peace and Conflict in Africa: Essays in Honour of General (Dr.) Abdulsalami Abubakar, Ibadan: Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, University of Ibadan.


11.Albert, I.O. and D. Marco (eds. 2007), Animus and Apologia: Campaign Advertorials and the Gamble for Power in the 2003 and 2007 Elections in Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. 164pp.


12.Albert, I.O, D. Marco and V. Adetula (2007), Perspectives on the 2003 Elections in Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. 247pp.


13.Albert, I.O (ed. 2007), Local Approaches to Conflict Transformation, Ibadan: CEPACS, University of Ibadan 168pp.


14.Olayiwola, O. Albert, I.O. and Muller, B. (eds. 2008), Contexts of non-linear history: Essays in Honour of Tekena Tamuno, Ibadan: Sefer Books Limited.


15. Albert, I.O. (ed. 2008), Operationalising the ECOWAS early warning system: Training Manual, Accra, Ghana: West African Network for Peacebuilding 205pp.


16.Albert, I.O. (ed. 2009), Praxis of political concepts and clichés: Essays in honour of Dr. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers Limited


17.Albert, I.O. and I. O. Oloyede (eds. 2010), Dynamics of Peace Process, Ilorin: Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin.


18. Albert, I.O. and N. Olarinde (eds. 2010), Trends and Tensions in Managing Conflicts, Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice.


19. Albert, I.O. et al (eds. 2011), Democratic Elections and Nigeria’s National Security, Ibadan: Peace and Conflict Studies Programme.


20. Adesuyi, N., Albert, I.O. and Kan, T. (eds. 2011), Unity in diversity, Lagos: Heinrich Boll Stiftung.


21. Albert, I.O. (2011), Practice Guide for Managing Election Disputes in West Africa, Accra, Ghana: The West African Network for Peacebuilding 148pp. (available at


22. Albert, I.O., Eselebor, W.A. and Danjibo, N.D. (eds. 2012), Peace, security and development in Nigeria, Ibadan and Abuja: Peace Studies, University of Ibadan and the Society for Peace Studies and Practice.


23. Albert, I.O. (ed. 2012), A history of social conflict and conflict management in Nigeria, Ibadan: John Archers Publishers.


24. Albert, I.O. and Eselebor, W. (ed. 2013), Managing security in a globalised world, Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice.


25. Albert, I.O., Aluko, O and Isola, O (2013), The Security Sector and Conflict Management in Nigeria, Ibadan: Institute of African Studies.


26. Albert, I.O., Olaseinde-Williams, O. and Aremu, Oyesoji (2014), Research Methods in Peace and Conflict Studies, Ibadan: Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.


27. Albert, I.O., Isola, S. and A. Oyewo (eds. 2015), Communicating Peace and Conflict, Ibadan: Bookbuilders Nig. Limited. 


28. Albert, I.O., Ololajulo, O, Aremu, O (eds. 2015), Knowledge economy and Nigeria’s National Security, Ibadan: John Archers Publishers for the Society for Peace Studies and Practice. 


29. Albert, I.O., Moronkola, O.A and Ademokoya, J.A. (ed. 2016), People in difficult circumstances in Nigeria, Ibadan: Royal People (Nigeria) Limited.


30. Albert, I.O., Omotoso, S.A. and Akeredolu, A (eds. 2017), Gender based violence in Nigeria: Essays in honour of Prof. Alake Bolanle Awe, Ibadan: Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies.


31. Albert, I.O., Martin Ike-Muoso, Ozonnia Ojielo (eds. 2018), Beyond Rhetoric: Youth empowerment and Political Voice in Nigeria, Enugu: Baywood Foundation.


32. Albert, I.O and Lawanson, T. (2019), Urban Crisis Management in Nigeria: Essays in Honour of Prof. Akin Mabogunje, Ibadan: IPSS, University of Ibadan.


33. Albert, I.O. and Lawanson, T. (2019), Urbanism and Crisis Management in Africa: A Festschrift for Akin Mabogunje, Texas: Pan African University Press.


34. Albert, I.O. (2019), Election Monitoring, Analysis and Mitigation in Africa, Accra, Ghana: West Africa Network for Peacebuilding.


35. Albert, I. O. (2019), Practice Guide on CSOs Engagement with Intergovernmental Organizations: A scoping of WANEP’s Partnership with ECOWAS and AU, Accra, Ghana: West Africa Network for Peacebuilding.


36. Albert, I.O., Pate, U. and Onuoha, F. (2021), Leadership and Nigeria’s Sustainable Development Programmes, Ibadan and Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice.


37. Albert, I.O. , Badejo. B. and Yahaya, M.K. (eds. 2022), Mediating for peace in Africa: A festrichft in honour of General Abdulslamai A. Abubakar, Ibadan: Bookcraft Africa.


Chapters in Books


37.  Albert, I.O.  "The University Students in the Nigerian Politics of Structural Adjustment" in Thandika Mkandawire and Adebayo Olukoshi (eds.),Between Liberalization and Oppression: The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA, 1995.


38.  Albert, I.O. "Urban Violence in Africa: Some Theoretical Explorations”, in Albert,I.O.,Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa


39.  Albert,I.O.; "Violence in Metropolitan Kano: A Historical Perspective”, in  Osaghae,E.E.,Urban Violence in Africa: Pilot Studies.


40.  Awe,B. and Albert,I.O.; "Historical Background", in C.O. Adepegba (ed.), Osogbo: Model of growing African Towns, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan 1995.


41.  Albert, I.O. "A case study of the historic interface between western biomedicine and Yoruba traditional medicine", in in Frank Fairfax III, et al (eds.), Alafia: Studies of Yoruba concepts of health and well-being in Nigeria, Ames, Iowa: Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Rural Development, Iowa state University, 1996.


42.  Albert, I.O. "Federalism, Ethnic Conflicts and the Northernization Policy of the 1950s and 1960s" in Kunle Amuwo et al. (eds.), Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan: Spectrum Books 1997.


43.  Albert, I.O. "Kano: Religion and Violence", in George Herault and Pius Adesanmi (eds), Youth, Street Culture and Urban Violence in Africa, Ibadan: IFRA/Books Builders, 1997.


44.  Albert, I.O., "Alaro Ataoja Osogbo: A Yoruba Palace Historian", in Lauri Honko, J. Handoo and John Miles Foley (eds.), The Epic: Oral and Written, Mysore, India: Central Institute of Indian Languages, 1998.


45.  Albert, I.O.,  ”New Directions In The Management Of Community Conflicts In Nigeria: Insights From The Activities Of AAPW”, in Otite and Albert (eds), Community Conflicts in Nigeria: Management, Resolution and Transformation, Ibadan: Spectrum Books, 1999.


46.  Albert, I.O.,”Ife-Modakeke Crisis”, in O. Otite and I.O. Albert (eds), Community Conflicts in Nigeria: Management, Resolution and Transformation, Ibadan: Spectrum Books, 1999.


47.  Albert, I.O., ”Ethnic And Religious Conflicts In Kano”, in Otite and Albert (eds), Community Conflicts in Nigeria: Management, Resolution and Transformation, Ibadan: Spectrum Books, 1999.


48.  Albert, O. “An Aspect of Transcultural Communication: The Sundiata Epic and West African Integration”, in Esi Sutherland-Addy (ed.), Perspectives on Mythology, Accra: Goethe-Institut, 1999.


49.  Albert, I.O. The Sociocultural Politics Of Ethnic And Religious Conflicts”, in Uwazie et al (eds) Inter-Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution in Nigeria, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books 1999.


50.  Albert, I.O. "The Role of Communication in the Escalation of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in Nigeria" in Uwazie et al (eds) Inter-Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution in Nigeria, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books 1999.


51.  Albert, I.O. “The Politics of Ifa Priesthood in Colonial Lagos”, in A.T. Oyewo and S.A. Osunwole (eds.), Readings in African Studies, Ibadan: Jator Publishing Company, 1999 pp.1-22


52.  Albert, I.O., “Understanding diversity”, in Covering Diversity: A Resource and Training Manual for African Journalists, Washington, D.C. and New York: The Panos Institute and Center for War, Peace and the News Media, 2000.


53.  Albert, I.O., “The Yoruba and the National Question”, in Eghosa E. Osagahe and Ebere Onwudiwe (eds.), The Management of the National Question in Nigeria, Ibadan: Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, University of Ibadan, 2001.


54.  Albert, I.O. “Introduction”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Building Peace, Advancing Democracy: Third Party Intervention in Nigeria’s Conflicts, Ibadan: PETRAF/John Archers Books, 2001.


55.  Albert, I.O. “USAID/OTI Intervention in Ife-Modakeke Crisis”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Building Peace, Advancing Democracy: Third Party Intervention in Nigeria’s Conflicts, Ibadan: PETRAF/John Archers Books, 2001.


56.  Albert, I.O. “The Role Of Action Research In The Management Of Violent Community Conflicts In Nigeria”, in M. Smyth and G. Robinson (eds.), Researching Violently Divided Societies, Tokyo and London: United Nations University Press and Pluto Press, 2000


57.  Albert, I.O. "Censorship of Drumming in Colonial South-western Nigeria" in Derek Jones (ed.), Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001.


58.  Albert, I.O. “The Myth, Reality and Challenges of Nigeria’s Reconciliation with Ndigbo”, in Eghosa E. Osaghae, Ebere Onwudiwe and Rotimi T. Suberu (eds.), The Nigerian Civil War and Its Aftermath, Ibadan: Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, University of Ibadan, 2002.


59.  Albert, I.O. “The Impact of “Blood Diamond” on the Protractedness of African Conflicts”, in M.O. Ojielo (ed.), Rethinking Peace and Security in Africa, Lagos: Centre for Peace in Africa, 2002.


60.  Albert, I.O. (2002), “The ‘Lada’ Racket in Colonial Southwestern Nigeria”, in G.O. Oguntomisin and S.A. Ajayi (eds.), Readings in Nigerian History and Culture: Essays in Honour of Professor J.A. Atanda, Ibadan: Hope Publications Limited.


61.  Albert, I.O. (2003), “Sharing the Vision of Mediation Processes and Activities”, in Johnson Bade Falade (ed.), Report of the National Workshop of Stakeholders of Peace Research and Conflict Resolution, Abuja: Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, The Presidency.


62.  Albert, I.O. (2002), “Rethinking the impact of patriarchy on feminist epistemology and methodology in Nigeria”, in Christopher E. Ukhum (ed.), Critical Gender Discourse in Africa, Ibadan: Hope Publications.


63.  Albert, I.O. (2003), “The concept of security in the context of urban crime and segregation”, in Fourchard, L. and Albert, I.O. (2003), Security, Crime and Segregation in West African Cities since the 19th Century, Paris: Editions Karthala.


64.  Albert, I.O. (2004), “Oputa Commission and the Intra-Ogoni Reconciliation Process”, in Adigun Agbaje et al. (eds.), Nigeria’s Struggle for Democracy and Good Governance, Ibadan University Press.


65.  Albert, I.O., Odelami, V.A. and Sheba, J.O. (2003), “Population displacement in Ife-Modakeke Communal Conflict”, in Okwudiba Nnoli (ed.), Communal Conflict and Population Displacement in Nigeria, Enugu: Pan African Centre for Research on Peace and Conflict Resolution (PACREP).


66.  Albert, I.O. (2003) “Inter and Intra-Party Conflicts and the Future of Democracy in Nigeria”, in Bash Olasupo (ed.), Electoral Violence in Nigeria: Issues and Perspectives, Lagos: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung


67.  Albert, I.O. (2003), “Smuggling second-hand cars through the Benin-Nigeria borders”, in Georges Kobou (ed.), Real Economies in Africa, Dakar: Council for the Development of Social and Economic Research in Africa.


68.  Albert, I.O. (2003), “Host-stranger conflicts in the context of international migrations in Africa: An explanation and three case studies”, in Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, Odile Goerg, Issiaka Mande, Faranirina Rajaonah (eds.), Entre etranger et migrant au XXeme siecle. Enjeux identitaires et modes d’insertion, Volume 1, Paris: Editions Harmatan.


69.  Albert, I.O. (2004), “The use of military strategy in humanitarian intervention: Theory and practice”, in Major General John W.T. Gbor (ed.), The Nigerian Army in Global Security, Lagos: Nigerian Army Education Corps and School.


70.  Albert, I.O. and N.D. Danjibo (2004), “Borno: Fitting the designs of political elite”, in Adefemi V. Isumonah (ed.), Participatory Democracy and Good Governance in Nigeria, Ibadan: Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, pp.19-37.


71.  Albert, I.O. (2004), “The myth and reality of popular participation in Lagos state”, in Adefemi V. Isumonah (ed.), Participatory Democracy and Good Governance in Nigeria, Ibadan: Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, pp. 54-73


72.  Albert, I.O. (2005), “Data collection and interpretation in the social history of Africa”, in John Edward Philips (ed.), Writing African History, Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, pp. 287-307.


73.  Albert, I.O. (2005), “Applying social work practice to the study of ethnic militias: The Oodua People’s Congress in Nigeria”, in Elizabeth Porter et al (eds.), Researching Conflict in Africa: Insights and Experiences, Tokyo: United Nations University Press.


74.  Albert, I.O. (2005), “Conflict management and resolution in research supervision”, in A.I. Olayinka et al (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Research Supervision, Ibadan: Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, pp. 100 – 127.


75.  Albert, I.O. (2005), “International dimensions of social conflicts in Nigeria”, in A.M. Yakubu et al (eds.), Crisis and Conflict Management in Nigeria since 1980, Volume One, Kaduna: Nigerian Defence Academy.


76.  Albert, I.O. (2007), “Nigeria’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Crisis of its Interpretation”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Local Approaches to Conflict Transformation, Ibadan: CEPACS, University of Ibadan pp.119-131.


77.  Albert, I.O. (2007), “Reviewing and rethinking campaign advertorials”, in Albert, I.O. and D. Marco (eds. ), Animus and Apologia: Campaign Advertorials and the Gamble for Power in the 2003 and 2007 Elections in Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. Pp. 26-45.


78.  Albert, I.O. and Derrick Marco (2007), “The 2007 presidential campaign advertorials”, in Albert, I.O. and D. Marco (eds. ), Animus and Apologia: Campaign Advertorials and the Gamble for Power in the 2003 and 2007 Elections in Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. Pp. 92-122.


79.  Albert, I.O. and D. Marco (2007), “Making sense of the 2003 and 2007 campaign advertorials”, in Albert, I.O. and D. Marco (eds. ), Animus and Apologia: Campaign Advertorials and the Gamble for Power in the 2003 and 2007 Elections in Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. Pp. 153-162


80.  Albert, I.O. (2007), “Lessons in psychological warfare: ‘Good Muslims’ and western media’s coverage of the 2005 bombing of London”, in Afis Ayinde Oladosu (ed.), Islam in contemporary Africa: On violence, terrorism and development, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing pp. 81-94.


81.  Albert, I.O. (2007), “Concepts and methods of peace and conflict studies”, in C.O. Bassey and O.O. Oshita (eds.), Conflict resolution, identity crisis and development in Africa, Lagos: Malthouse Press Limited pp. 3-18


82.  Albert, I.O. (2008), “An introduction to conflict prevention and early warning system”, Albert, I.O. (ed.), Operationalising the ECOWAS early warning system: Training Manual, Accra, Ghana: West African Network for Peacebuilding pp. 21-31


83.  Albert, I.O. (2008), “Establishing peace and sustainable development in post conflict situations: The gains to Nigeria”, in Lt. Gen. L.N. Yusuf (ed.), Nigeria’s contribution to international peace support operations, Abuja: Nigerian Army Headquarters pp.79-102.


84.  Albert, I.O. (2005), “Is the giant breaking up? Sharia, youth violence and the security dilemma in contemporary Nigeria”, in Ruth Mukama and Murindwa-Rutanga (eds.), Confronting twenty-first century challenges: Analyses and re-dedications by national and international scholars, Kampala: Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University, pp. 399-414


85.  Albert, I.O. (2008), “Understanding peace in Africa”, in David J. Francis (ed.), Peace and Conflict in Africa, London/New York: Zed Books pp. 31-45.


86.  Albert, I.O. (2007), “NURTW and politics of managing public motor parks in Ibadan and Lagos, Nigeria”, in Laurent Fourchard (ed.), Gouverner les villes d’Afrique: État, Gouvernement Local et Acteurs Privés, Paris: Karthala pp. 125-137.


87.  Albert, I.O. (2009), “On political concepts and cliches in Nigeria’s fourth republic”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Praxis of political concepts and clichés in Nigeria’s fourth republic, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers pp.1-12


88.  Albert, I.O. (2009), “Youth crisis: A global phenomenon turned Nigeria’s nightmare”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Praxis of political concepts and clichés in Nigeria’s fourth republic, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers pp.209-220


89.  Albert, I.O. (2009), “Conceptualizing and contextualizing the concept of servant leadership”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Praxis of political concepts and clichés in Nigeria’s fourth republic, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers pp.305-316


90.  Albert, I.O. (2009), “Civil society organizations and cross-cutting election themes”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Praxis of political concepts and clichés in Nigeria’s fourth republic, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers pp.357-376


91.  Albert, I.O. (2009), “Towards an actionable early warning and response system for the Niger Delta”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Praxis of political concepts and clichés in Nigeria’s fourth republic, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers pp.393-406


92.  Albert, I.O. (2009), “The litmus test of giving ‘brand Nigeria’ a NAFDAC number”, in I.O. Albert (ed.), Praxis of political concepts and clichés in Nigeria’s fourth republic, Ibadan: Bookcraft Publishers pp.419-436


93.  Albert, I.O. (2010), “Effects of communal violence on the democratization process in Nigeria, 1999-2007”, in Atahiru M. Jega, Haruna Wakili and Ismaila M. Zango (eds.), Consolidation of democracy in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects, Kano: Aminu Kano Centre for Democratic Research and Training, Mambiyya House, Bayero University pp. 183-208.


94.  Albert, I.O. (2010), “Ethnicity and herdsmen-farmers’ conflicts in Oke-Ogun, Oyo State”, in I.O. Albert and Olaniyi Nurudeen Olarinde (eds.), Trends and tensions in managing conflicts, Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice pp.95-115.


95.  Albert, I.O. and I.O. Oloyede (2010), “Beyond adversarial conflict management”, in I.O. Albert and I.O. Oloyede (eds.), Dynamics of peace processes, Ilorin, Nigeria: Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin pp. 1-8


96.  Albert, I.O. (2010), “Guarding the guardians: Parliamentary control of the armed forces in Nigeria’s fourth Republic”,  in I.O. Albert and I.O. Oloyede (eds.), Dynamics of peace processes, Ilorin, Nigeria: Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin pp. 167-184


97.  Albert, I.O. (2011), “Elections and state fragility in Nigeria’s 4th republic”, in I.O. Albert et al (eds.), Democratic Elections and Nigeria’s National Security, Ibadan: Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.


98.  Albert, I.O. (2011), “Analyzing electoral violence in Nigeria”, in Linus N. Asiegbu (ed.), Critical issues in the 2011 general elections in Nigeria, Abuja: Institute for Security Studies, pp. 38-62.


99.  Albert, I.O. (2011), “Climate change and conflict management in Nigeria”, in Wahab Olasupo Egbewole, Muhtar Adeiza Etudaiye, and Olugbenga Ajani Olatunji (eds.), Law and Climate change in Nigeria, Ilorin: Faculty of Law, University of Ilorin pp. 176-193.


100.        Albert, I. O. and Doyin Oluseyi Ighalo, “A comparative analysis of the commitment of the Chinese & South Africans to CSR and R2P in Nigeria’s telecommunication sector”,in Hayley Herman (ed.),
Strengthening the Civil Society Perspective Series II: China and Other Emerging Powers in Africa, Cape Town: FAHAMU Network for Social Change, pp. 97-122. Also available at


101.        Albert, I.O. (2012), “Rethinking conflict, peace and sustainable development in Nigeria”, in Albert, I.O., Eselebor, W.A. and Danjibo, N.D. (eds. 2012), Peace, security and development in Nigeria, Ibadan and Abuja: Peace Studies, University of Ibadan and the Society for Peace Studies and Practice pp. 1-18


102.        Albert, I.O. (2012), “The youth question in cultural diversity”, African Culture and International Understanding, Volume 1 Number 1 (Obasanjo Presidential Library, Abeokuta, Nigeria), pp. 24-26


103.        Albert, I.O. (2012), “The emics and etics: Insider/outsider binary in Nigeria’s migration history”, in Saheed Aderinto and Paul Osifodunrin (eds.), The third wave of historical scholarship in Nigeria, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 118-217.


104.         Albert, I.O. (2012), “Mapping the discourse: History, social conflict and conflict management”, in Albert, I.O. (ed.), A history of social conflict and conflict management in Nigeria, Ibadan: John Archers Publishers pp.1-18


105.        Albert, I.O. (2012), “Twists and turns in the settlement of beaded crown disputes in colonial Yorubaland”, Albert, I.O. (ed.), A history of social conflict and conflict management in Nigeria, Ibadan: John Archers Publishers pp.128-150.


106.        Albert, I.O. (2012), “Art and politics: Rethinking Olu Amoda’s cynical realism beyond the aesthetic appeal”, in Ohioma I. Pogoson (ed.), Olu Amoda: Shattering the barriers of artistic conventions, Ibadan: University of Ibadan, Institute of African Studies pp.55-68


107.        Albert, I. (2012), “Human migration, conflict, security and sustainable development”, in Labode Popoola, Olanrewaju and Olawale Olayide (eds.), Building resilience in sustainable development in a changing world, Ibadan: Ibadan University Centre for Sustainable Development, pp. 65-82


108.        Albert, I.O. (2013), “Rethinking R2P: NATO’s authority and military operation in Libya”, in Isaac Albert and Willie Eselebor (eds.), Managing security in a globalised world, Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice.


109.        Albert, I.O. (2013), “From rivalry to collaboration: Security agencies and public safety in Nigeria”, in Isaac Olawale Albert, Benjamin Aluko and Olusola Isola (eds.), The security sector and conflict management in Nigeria, Ibadan: Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan pp. 3-17


110.        Albert, I.O. (2013), “Track V diplomacy: Rethinking African studies beyond the culture and civilization thesis”, in Olajide Olorunnisola et al (eds.), African Culture and Identity, Ibadan: The Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, Nigeria pp. 71-103.


111.        Albert, I.O. (2013), “Rethinking terrorist profiling”, in Ozoemenam Mbachu and Umar M. Bature, Internal security management in Nigeria: A study in terrorism and counter-terrorism, Kaduna: Medusa Academic Publishers Limited pp. 187-200.


112.        Albert, I.O. (2014), “Introduction to research methods in peace and security”,  in Isaac Olawale Albert, Olabisi Olaseinde-Williamns and Oyesoji Aremu (eds.), Research methods in peace and conflict studies, Ibadan: Peace and conflict Studies Programme, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan pp. 1-14


113.        Albert, I.O. and T. Akanle (2014), “Observation and interview methods in peace and security research”, in Isaac Olawale Albert, Olabisi Olaseinde-Williamns and Oyesoji Aremu (eds.), Research methods in peace and conflict studies, Ibadan: Peace and conflict Studies Programme, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan pp, 88-105


114.        Albert, I.O. (2014), “Towards sustainable peace: A structural assessment of the Ghana National Peace Council Act 2011 (Act 818), in Ernest Uwazie (ed.), Alternative Dispute Resolution and Peacebuilding in Africa, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, pp.181-196.


115.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “A formative assessment of the management of Boko haram crisis in Nigeria”, in Building a resilient Nigeria: Challenges of security governance and development in the 21st century, Iwo: Department of Sociology, Bowen University pp. 35-53


116.        Albert, I.O. , O. Isola and O. Oyewo (2015), “Contexts and meanings in communicating peace and conflict”,  in I.O. Albert, O.O. Isola and O.O. Oyewo (eds.), Communicating peace and conflict: Genres, practices and challenges, Ibadan: Book Builders Editions Africa, pp. 1-24


117.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “A shifting fire: The dialectics of communication in peace and security”, in I.O. Albert, O.O. Isola and O.O. Oyewo (eds.), Communicating peace and conflict: Genres, practices and challenges, Ibadan: Book Builders Editions Africa, pp. 57-72


118.        Albert, I. O. (2015), “Development communication and violence reduction in Nigeria’s elections”, I.O. Albert, O.O. Isola and O.O. Oyewo (eds.), Communicating peace and conflict: Genres, practices and challenges, Ibadan: Book Builders Editions Africa, pp. 153-168.


119.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “Explaining maritime piracy in Somalia”, in Funso Adesola, Iwebunor Okwechime, Ronke Ako-Nai and Akin Iwilade (eds.), State, Governance and Security in Africa: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Bamitale Idowu Omole, Tollahassee, Florida: SokheChapke Publishing Inc, pp. 240-255.


120.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “Why, where and how guns rule Nigeria”, in Olusegun Obasnjo, Akin L. Mabogunje, and Peter A. Okebukola (eds.), Towards a new dawn in Nigeria post 2015, Abeokuta: Centre for Human Security, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library pp. 357-372


121.        Albert, I.O. Akinteye, A., and Faleti, S. (2015), “Traditional ways of settling conflict through the medium of television”, in Osita Osita, Augustine Ikelegbe, Warisu Ali and Joseph Golwa (eds.), Case studies of traditional methods of conflict prevention and resolution in Nigeria, Abuja: Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution.


122.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “Intervention and mediation of eminent persons in conflicts”, in Olusegun Obasnjo, Akin L. Mabogunje, and Peter A. Okebukola (eds.), Towards a new dawn in Nigeria post 2015, Abeokuta: Centre for Human Security, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library pp. 381-400


123.        Albert, I.O. and Babajide Ololajulo (2015), “Introduction: Knowledge economy and our collective security”, in Albert, I.O., Ololajulo, O, Aremu, O, Knowledge economy and Nigeria’s National Security, Ibadan: John Archers Publishers for the Society for Peace Studies and Practice.  pp. 1-8


124.        88. Albert, I.O. (2015), “Rethinking security education in a world of asymmetric warfare’, in Albert, I.O., Ololajulo, O, Aremu, O., Knowledge economy and Nigeria’s National Security, Ibadan: John Archers Publishers for the Society for Peace Studies and Practice.  pp. 19-30


125.        .   Albert, I.O. (2016), “Rethinking “difficult circumstances” in Nigeria, in Albert, I.O., Moronkola, O.A and Ademokoya, J.A. (ed. 2016), People in difficult circumstances in Nigeria, Ibadan: Royal People (Nigeria) Limited pp. 1-11


126.          Albert, I.O. (2017), “BringBackOurGirls: The impact and limits of a Nigerian hash tag activism”, in Albert, I.O., Omotoso, S. and Akeredolu, A. (eds. 2017), Gender based violence in Contemporary Nigeria, Ibadan: Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan pp.


127.        Albert, I.O. (2017), “Contexts of gender based violence in contemporary Nigeria”, in Albert, I.O., Omotoso, S. and Akeredolu, A. (eds. 2017), Gender based violence in Contemporary Nigeria, Ibadan: Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan.


128.        Albert, I.O. (2017), “From ‘Governor-General’ to ‘Kwankwasiya’: Democracy and Branded Political communication in Nigeria’s fourth republic”, in Ayo Olukotun and Sharon Adetutu Omotoso (eds.), Political communication in Africa, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp.171-188


129.        Albert, I. O. (2017), “Trade rivalry between the Yoruba and Syrians in colonial south-western Nigeria”, in Olutayo C. Adesina (ed.), Nigeria in the twentieth century: History, governance and society, Ibadan: Connel Publications, pp. 72-102


130.        Albert, I.O. (2014), “Conflicts in precolonial, colonial and post colonial Africa”, in Labode Popoola, Olanrewaju Olaniyan and Olawale Olayide (eds.), Sustainable development in precolonial, colonial and post colonial Africa: Issues and contexts, Ibadan: University of Ibadan Centre for Sustinable Development, pp. 105-126


131.        Albert, I.O. and Aubyn, F.K. (2017), “Partners or competitors? Enhacning AU-RECs/RMs’ cooperation for peace support operations in Africa”, in Emma Birikorang, Frank Okyere and Kwesi Aning, Annual Review of Peace Support Operations in Africa, Accra and Addis Ababa: KAIPTC and African Union pp. 55-66.


132.        Albert, I.O. (2017), “Security regimens in Africa”, CODESRIA Policy Brief, Number 3, Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science in Africa (CODESRIA), June.


133.        Albert, I. O. (2017), “Balancing the anti-graft wars in Africa with the rule of law”, CODESRIA Policy Brief, Number 3, Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science in Africa (CODESRIA), August.


134.        Albert, I.O. (2017) “Teaching peacebuilding in African Universities: Bridging the Gap between the Field and Classroom”, African Peacebuilding Network (APN) Working Paper Number 13, 2017 (


135.        Albert, I. O. (2017), ”Regional Engagement in Peacebuilding in Africa: Perspectives and Challenges”, 4th Kofi Annan – Dag Hammarskjold Lecture, May, 2017 (


136.        Albert, I.O. (2018), “Introduction: Taking sides with Nigerian youth”, in Albert, I.O., Martin Ike-Muoso, Ozonnia Ojielo (eds. 2018), Beyond Rhetoric: Youth empowerment and Political Voice in Nigeria, Enugu: Baywood Foundation pp. 1-18


137.        Albert, I.O., M. Ike-Moonso, and M.O. Ojielo (2018), “Youth empowerment and political voice in Nigeria”, in Albert, I.O., Martin Ike-Muoso, Ozonnia Ojielo (eds. 2018), Beyond Rhetoric: Youth empowerment and Political Voice in Nigeria, Enugu: Baywood Foundation pp. 19-41


138.        Albert, I.O. and O.O. Albert (2018), “A history of youth empowerment and political voice in Nigeria”, in Albert, I.O., Martin Ike-Muoso, Ozonnia Ojielo (eds. 2018), Beyond Rhetoric: Youth empowerment and Political Voice in Nigeria, Enugu: Baywood Foundation pp. 42-58


139.        Albert, I.O. and T. Bello (2018), “Youth empowerment as a corporate social responsibility”, in Albert, I.O., Martin Ike-Muoso, Ozonnia Ojielo (eds. 2018), Beyond Rhetoric: Youth empowerment and Political Voice in Nigeria, Enugu: Baywood Foundation pp. 222-233


140.        Albert, I.O. (2018), “Food production and insurgency in Nigeria”, in Oluwatooyin Faramade Osundahunsi, Roadmap to improve livehoods in Africa, Akure: Simplicity Press pp. 1-16


141.        Albert, I.O. and T. Lawanson (2019), “Africa: The urbanizing continent”, in Isaac Olawale Albert and Taibat Lawanson (eds.), Urban Crisis Management in Africa: A Festschrift for Prof. Akin Mabogunje, Austin, Texas: Pan African University Press, pp. 3-14


142.        Lawanson, D.T, Odekunle, D. and Albert, I.O. (2019), “Urban redevelopment and the right to the city of Lagos, Nigeria”, in Isaac Olawale Albert and Taibat Lawanson (eds.), Urban Crisis Management in Africa: A Festschrift for Prof. Akin Mabogunje, Austin, Texas: Pan African University Press, pp. 295-314


143.        Albert, I.O. and T. Lawanson (2019), “The urban public space and religious extremism in Northern Nigeria”, in Isaac Olawale Albert and Taibat Lawanson (eds.), Urban Crisis Management in Africa: A Festschrift for Prof. Akin Mabogunje, Austin, Texas: Pan African University Press, pp. 565-582


144.        Albert, I.O. (2019), “Back to the future: Rethinking alternatives to external intervention in Africa’s conflicts”, in Sameul Ojo Oloruntoba, Adeshina Afolayan, and Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso (eds.), Indigenous knowledge systems and development in Africa, Cham., : Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 159-183.


145.        Albert, I.O. (2020), “Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: Challenges and Prospects for International Trade, National Security and Sustainable Development of Member States”, in Adegboyega Karim, Micheal Maduagwu and Saleh Dauda (eds.), Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: Implications for Security and Sustainable Development of Member States, Abuja: Institute of Security Studies pp. 255-268


146.        Albert, I.O., Tobi, B.E. and Adegoke, F. (2021), “A warning system: COVID-19, Leadership and Nigeria’s SDG3”, In Isaac Olawale Albert, Umaru Pate, and Freedom Chukwudi Onuoha (eds.), Leadership and Nigeria’s Sustainable Development Goals, Ibadan and Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice, pp. 510-524


147.        Albert, I.O. (2021), “Introduction to leadership and the sustainable development goals in Nigeria”, In Isaac Olawale Albert, Umaru Pate, and Freedom Chukwudi Onuoha (eds.), Leadership and Nigeria’s Sustainable Development Goals, Ibadan and Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice, pp. 3 - 18


148.        Albert, I.O. (2021), “The Society for Peace Studies and Practice, Suleiman Elias Bogoro and Nigeria’s sustainable development programme”, In Isaac Olawale Albert, Umaru Pate, and Freedom Chukwudi Onuoha (eds.), Leadership and Nigeria’s Sustainable Development Goals, Ibadan and Abuja: Society for Peace Studies and Practice, pp. 19-31


149.        Albert, I.O. (2022), “Conflict causes, roots, and triggers”, in Busola Ajibola and Asari Uzoamaka Ndem (eds.), Understanding Nigeria’s Intractable Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis: A Study of the Coverage Pattern of Conflict and Humanitarian Issues by the Nigerian Media, Volume 2, Abuja: Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development, pp. 47-58



Articles in Journals


150.        Albert,I.O. "Hausa Women Migrants in Ibadan: Continuity and Change in Socio-Economic Orientation",Odu: A Journal of West  African Studies, No.40, July 1992.


151.        Albert,I.O. "The Growth of a Migrant Community in Nigeria: The Hausa Settlements in Ibadan, c.1830-1979", Ife: Annals of the Institute of Cultural Studies, No.4,1993 pp.2-17.


152.        Albert, I.O. "Ethnic residential segregation in Kano, Nigeria and its antecedents", African Study Monographs, vol.17 no. 2 October 1996 pp.27-42


153.        Albert, I.O., “The “Sakara” (Drumming) Controversy in Colonial Yorubaland”, The Nigerian Field, 63 pp. 25-38.


154.        Albert, O. "Hausa Political System in the Diaspora: The Sarkin Hausawa Institution in Ibadan, 1914-1993", African Notes, Vol. XXI Nos. 1 & 2 1997 pp.43-64.


155.        Albert, I.O. ”A Framework for Mapping, Tracking and Analyzing Conflicts”, Ife Psychologia, Volume 8 No. 2, 2000.



156.        Albert, I.O., “Inter-Regional Migrations, Urban Multiculturalism And The “Mixed Court” System In Colonial Northern Nigeria”, Social Dynamics, Volume 25 Number 2, 1999


157.        Albert, I.O. “Conceiving and Proposing a Research Idea”, in Dele Layiwola (ed.),  A Handbook on Field Methods in African Studies, (Special edition of African Notes)Ibadan: Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan in Collaboration with John Archers Publishers Limited, 2001.


158.        Albert, I.O. “Field Techniques for Collecting Oral Data in African Culture History”, in Dele Layiwola (ed.), A Handbook on Field Methods in African Studies, (Special edition of African Notes) Ibadan: Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan in Collaboration with John Archers Publishers Limited, 2001


159.        Albert, I.O. (2002), “Child Soldiers and Security Pitfalls in Africa”, Africa Notes (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA), November/December.


160.        Albert, I.O. (2005), “Exiting from the “Axis-of-Evil”: Issues in Muammar Al-Ghadaffi’s Renunciation of Weapons of Mass Destruction”, The Nigerian Army Quarterly Journal, (New series) Volume 1 Number 1, pp.94-110.


161.        Albert, I.O. (2003), “Colonialism, Labour Migrations, and Indigene/Settler Conflicts in Nigeria”, African Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, Volume 1 No. 1.


162.        Albert, I.O. (2004), “Women and Armed Conflicts in Post-Cold World Africa”, Amani: Journal of African Peace, Volume 1 Number 1.


163.        Albert, I.O. (2005), “Terror as a political weapon: Reflections on the bomb explosions in Abacha’s Nigeria”, IFRA Special Research Issue, Volume 1 pp. 37-56.


164.        Albert, I. O. (2005), “Explaining godfatherism in Nigerian politics”, African Sociological Review, Volume 9 Number 2 pp.79-105


165.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “ECOWAS Parliament and Conflict Management in West Africa”, The Nigerian Army Quarterly Journal (New series), Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 174-196.


166.        Albert, O. (2005), “Fire on the mountain: An ADR Training Material”, Track Two, Volume 12 Number 3 and 4, pp. 101-103.


167.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “The French reprisal attack on Cote D’Ivoire in 2004”, The Academy Journal of Defence Studies, Volume 12 February, pp. 1-19.


168.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “The South-East Asian Tsunami Disaster of 2004: Lessons and Training Needs of the Nigerian Armed Forces in Disaster Management”, Legon Journal of International Affairs (LEJIA), Volume 2 Number 2 pp. 77-95.


169.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “Fighting ‘bad medicine’: The ban of Sopona cultism in colonial southwest Nigeria”, The Nigerian Field, Volume 71 Nos. 1 and 2 pp. 3-23


170.        Albert, I. O. (2006), “Media’s coverage of identity conflicts in Nigeria”, Quillpen: A Journal of Communication Issues and Events, Volume 5 pp.1-11


171.        Albert, I.O. (2005), “Culture and conflict transformation”, African Notes, Volume xxvi, Numbers 1 and 2, pp. 31-44


172.        Albert, I.O. and I. Agwunwah-Nkwazema (2005), “Gender, conflict and poverty in West Africa”, African Notes, Volume xxvi, Numbers 1 and 2, pp. 79-88


173.        Albert, I.O. (2005), “Col. Muammar Ghadafi of Libya as an International Conflict Actor”, UNILAG Journal of Politics, Volume 2 Number 1 pp. 5-26.


174.        Albert, I.O. (2007), “The African Union and Conflict Management in Africa”, African Development, Vol. XXXII pp. 41-68.


175.        Albert, I.O. (2008), “From ‘Owo crisis’ to ‘Dagbon dispute’: Lessons in the politicization of chieftaincy disputes in modern Nigeria and Ghana”, The Roundtable: Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 97 No. 394 pp.47-60


176.        Albert, I.O. (2007), “A review of the campaign strategies”, Journal of African Elections (Special edition on the 2007 General elections in Nigeria), Vol. 6 Number 2 pp.55-78.


177.        Albert, I.O. and O. Albert (2008), “Strategies for peace education integration in ECOWAS member states’ tertiary school curricula”, Conflict Trends, Issue 3, pp.11-17.


178.        Albert, I.O. (2009), “Whose e-governance? A critique of online citizen engagement in Africa”, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, Volume 3 Number 4 pp.133-141


179.        Albert, I.O. (2003: make up edition published in 2011), “Rethinking the challenge of irregular transnational mobility in USoAfrica”, African Notes, Volume 27 Nos 1 & 2 pp. 1-16.


180.        Albert, I. O. (2012), "Violences électorales au cours de la IVe République nigériane: le paradoxe de la démocratie." Afrique Contemporaine 239 (2011):105-117. Also online:


181.        Albert, I.O. (2012), “Deconstructing elite fragmentation in Nigerian politics”, Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development, Volume 1, pp. 1-28


182.        Albert, I.O. and Adekola, O.O. (2013), “Community participation in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in multi-ethnic and multi-religious settings”, Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development, Volume 2 No. 1 pp. 1-12.


183.         Albert, I.O. (2013), “Irregular border crossing: social media and the globalization of the ‘Arab Spring”, African Journal of Rhetoric, Volume 5 pp 38-63


184.        Albert, I.O. (2014), Rethinking why and how China wins hearts and minds in Africa”, Annals of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria, Number 18 and 19, January - December 2013/2014,


185.        Albert, I.O. (2014), “Towards the 2015 Poll: Stakeholders’ Analysis in Election Security Management”, African Journal of Security and Development, Volume 1 No. 1 (Institute of Security Studies, DSS Abuja).


186.         Albert, I.O. (2014), “Beyond moral panic: Negotiation theory and the University strikes in Nigeria”, Journal of Global Initiatives, Volume 9 No. 2


187.        Albert, I.O. (2014), “Peace studies and practice West Africa”, Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development, Volumes 3&4, pp. 1-15


188.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “Background to the demise of traditional political authority in Nigeria”, Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development, Volumes 5&6, May, pp. 70-84


189.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “Book review: Borders in Africa – by Anthony Asiwaju”, Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development, Volumes 5&6 pp. 230-232.


190.        Albert, I.O. (2015), “Explaining a security dilemma: Nigeria-Chad relations in the context of Boko Haram crisis”, Ife Journal of International Relations, Volume 1 Number 1 pp. 1-22



191.        Albert, I.O. (2017), “Rethinking the functionality of the multinational Joint Task Force in managing the Boko Haram crisis in the Lake Chad”, African Development, Volume XLII, Number 3 pp. 119-135


192.        Albert, I.O. and Eze, C.B. (2017), “Resolving the protracted political crisis in Guinea-Bissau”, Conflict Trends, Number 2


193.        Albert, I.O. (2019), “Beyond recrimination: The rule of law and Nigeria’s anti-graft war”, African Development, Vol. XLIV, No. 1 pp. 177-197


194.        Albert, I.O. (2019), “Hazy Agenda, Multiple Interests: Stakeholders Engagement with the First Phase of the Niger Delta Amnesty Deal in Nigeria”, Beijing Law Review, Volume 10 Number 3 pp. 656 - 670.


195.        Albert, I.O, Olarinde, Y.T, Albert, O.O. (2019), “Order outside the law? Rethinking amnesty as an ADR mechanism in Nigeria”, Beijing Law Review, Volume 10 No. 4 pp. 913 – 925


196.        Albert, I. O., Danjibo, N. and Albert, O.O (2020), “Back to the past: Evolution of kidnapping and hostage taking in the Niger Delta, Nigeria”, Beijing Law Review, Volume 11 pp. 211 – 226


197.        Albert, I.O. (2021), “Decapitation strategies and the significance of Abubakar Shekau’s death in Nigeria’s  Boko Haram crisis”, International Affairs, Volume 97, Issue 6, November pp. 1691-1708


198.        Albert, I.O. (2021), Book Review: Africa’s security challenges in the 21st century: politics, principles and praxis, Ibadan, Nigeria: Safari Books 2020 (Authored by Tunde Adeniran), African Journal on Terrorism, Vol. 11 No. 3 pp. 222-225


199.        Albert, I.O. and Albert, M.O (2021), “Beyond Victimhood : UNSC Resolution 1325, Women and the Fight against Boko Haram in Nigeria”, African Journal on Terrorism, Volume 11 No. 1 pp. 181-190


Security Studies Anecdotes

200.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “Rethinking Small arms and Light Weapons in the Niger Delta”, IDASA Conflict Tracking Dossier, Number 3 pp. 1-6.


201.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “The 2003 presidential campaign advertorials”, in I.O. Albert, D. Marco and V. Adetula (eds.), IDASA Conflict Tracking Dossier (Special Edition on the 2003 Elections in Nigeria), Abuja: IDASA-Nigeria pp. 109-126.


202.        Albert, I.O. (2006), “Re-conceptualizing electoral violence in Nigeria”, in I.O. Albert, D. Marco and V. Adetula (eds.), IDASA Conflict Tracking Dossier (Special Edition on the 2003 Elections in Nigeria), Abuja: IDASA-Nigeria pp. 127-136.


203.        Adetula, V., Albert, I.O. and Marco, D. (2006), “Towards the 2007 elections”, in I.O. Albert, D. Marco and V. Adetula (eds.), IDASA Conflict Tracking Dossier (Special Edition on the 2003 Elections in Nigeria), Abuja: IDASA-Nigeria pp. 207-218.


204.        Albert, I.O. (2007), “An analysis of the inauguration speech of President Yar’Adua”, IDASA Conflict Tracking Dossier, Issue 7, July pp.1-7


205.        Albert, I.O. (2007), “Reflections on public perceptions of the electoral reforms panel”, IDASA Conflict Tracking Dossier, Issue 8, October pp. 1- 6


206.        Albert, I. O. (2009), “Maritime security in Nigeria”, The Triple S (Abuja), March     pp.4-5.


207.        Albert, I.O. (2013), “Preface”, Responsibility to protect: Training toolkit for civil society actors and multidimensional peace support personnel in West Africa, Accra, Ghana: West African Civil Society Institute pp. 4-5


Published Monographs

208.        Albert, I.O. Inter-Ethnic Relations in a Nigerian City: The Historical Perspective of the Hausa-Igbo Conflict in Kano,1953-1991. Ibadan: IFRA, 1993 19 pp.


209.        Adisa, J., Albert, I.O. and Herault, G., Report on the International Symposium on Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa, Ibadan: IFRA, 1995 78pp.


210.        Albert, I.O. Interface Between Poverty and Urban Violence in Africa, Discussion Paper No.2, Abidjan: UNCHS/UNDP/GTZ/World Bank Urban Management Programme, Africa Regional Office, 1996 19pp.


211.        Osaghae, E.E; Isumonah, V.A. and Albert, I.O., Liberalization Policies and the Changing Structures of Legitimacy in Nigeria, Ibadan: Nigerian Institute of Economic and Social Research (NISER), 1998 80pp.


212.        Ihejirikha, S., M. Iyamah. J. Mbagwu and I.O. Albert, Conflict Management Training Manual, Kaduna: Conflict Resolution Stakeholders’ Network (CRESNET), 2001.


213.        Albert, I.O, Adekola. O.O. and Olaoba, O.B. Ethnic Groups and Conflicts in South-Western Nigeria, Ibadan: Ford Foundation’s Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, University of Ibadan.


214.        Albert, I. O., The Odi Massacre of 1999 in the Context of the Graffiti Left by the Invading Nigerian Army, Ibadan: Programme on Ethnic and Federal Studies, University of Ibadan, 2003.


215.        Albert, I.O. (2003), Mainstreaming Positive Leadership in Conflict Transformation in Nigeria, Lagos: Centre for Social Science Research and Development.


216.        Albert, I.O. (ed. 2004), Conflict Mitigation Manual for In-School Youths in Lagos State, Lagos: National Council of Women’s Societies Nigeria (NCWS).


217.        William, R. Brieger, Isaac Albert, Anthonia Achike, Stephen Schwenke, “Strategic Analysis of Development Constraints and Priorities for Action in Southern Nigeria”, Evaluation IQC Contract No: AEP -1-00-00-00024-00-Task Order 820, Washington DC: USAID/Management Systems International, July 2004,


218.        Akande, J., K. Awosika and I.O. Albert (2005), Community Conflicts and Violence against Women in Nigeria, Dakar: AAWORD.


219.        Albert, I.O. and Dung Pam Sha (2006), Baseline Survey Report of Conflicts in Rivers, Delta, Kano, Kaduna and Plateau States of Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nigeria) Limited 155pp.


220.        Albert, I.O. (2006), An Executive Summary: Baseline Survey Report of Conflicts in Rivers, Delta, Kano, Kaduna and Plateau States of Nigeria, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nigeria) Limited 24pp.


221.        Albert, I.O. (2011), Pinched, ditched or jinxed: The mantra of African solutions to African problems, an inaugural lecture, University of Ibadan, Ibadan: University Press, Nigeria February 3.


222.        Albert, I.O. (2017), Beyond Nigeria’s Sambisa: Forests, Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Africa, University of Ibadan Annual Lecture, Ibadan: University Press.


223.        Albert, I.O. (2018), Agenda 2063: Questing strategic partnership for peace, security and sustainable development in Africa, Dakar: Forum International de Dakar,


224.        Albert, I.O. (2020), “COVID-19, Peace and Security in Nigeria”, CPEEL COVID-19 Discussion Papers, Ibadan: Centre for Petroleum, Energy Economics, and Law, University of Ibadan.



Technical Reports

1.Osaghae, E.E., Isumonah, V. and Albert, I.O. "Nature and Consequences of Ethnicity in Nigerian Universities", SSCN/Ford Foundation Project 1996.


2. Albert, I.O. “Contexts of Peace and Conflict in Indigene/Settler Relations in Rural Nigeria: An Oke-Ogun Case Study in Oyo State”, Research Report to the Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE), University of Oxford, July 2005.


3. Albert, I.O. “Emancipatory Social Movements in the Niger Delta: Goals, Strategies and Critical Lessons for Peace Practice”, Research Report to Institut Francaise de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA), Ibadan, August, 2005.


4. Isaac Olawale Albert, ““Historicizing Migration” Convenor’s Report On The 2008 Extended Workshop On Social History, St. Louis, Senegal, 3-21 March, 2008 http://Www.Codesria.Org/Links/Research/Sephis/Report_Ext_Worshop08.Pdf


5.  Isaac Olawale Albert, “An alternative explanation of religious fundamentalism in northern Nigeria”, Peace and Conflict, Abuja: Heinrich Boll Stiftung,



Global Cable Television Discussions

  1. Isaac Olawale Albert, “Nigeria’s peace: peace of the graveyard”, Special for CNN, July 12, 2013 – updated 1622 GMT (0022HKT),


  1. Inside Story: Nigeria’s fight against Boko haram – Youtube, January 2, 2012, Al Jazeera English, by Na’eem Jenah, Richard Dowden and Isaac Olawale Albert (Discussants),


  1. Inside Story: Is Nigeria’s conflict religious or political? – Youtube, July 26, 2012 Al-Jazeera English, by Darren Kew, Michael Amoah, and Isaac Olawale Albert (discussants),



Major Seminar/Conference Papers

1.     Albert, I.O. “Beyond K.O. Dike et al: Canonical Works on Oral Historiography of Africa and the Challenge for Contemporary Social Science Research”, Paper presented at CDESRIA Conference on Canonical works, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana, September 2003.


2.     Albert, I.O. “Architecturing a New Destiny: AU, NEPAD and the Challenge of Common Security in Africa”, Paper presented at the Conference on the African Union and New Strategies for Development in Africa, United Nations Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26-28 January 2004.


3.     Albert, I.O. “Managing Conflicts in Africa: Nigeria in Comparative Perspective”, Paper presented at the international conference on Managing Ethno-political conflicts in Africa organized by the Solomon Asch Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, February 24-25, 2006.


4.     Albert, I.O. “From “Owo Crisis” to “Dagbon Dispute”: Lessons in the  Politicization of Chieftaincy Disputes in Modern Nigeria and Ghana”, Paper presented at the 15th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference, California State University, Sacramento, April 27-29, 2006.


5.     Albert, I.O. “Cost of Prebendal Politics: “Godfatherism” and the Intractability of Post Election Crisis in Nigeria Since the 1999 “Democratic Transition”, Paper presented at the International Conference on Post-Conflict Elections in West Africa: Challenges for Democracy and Reconstruction, Accra, Ghana, 15th – 17th May, 2006.


6.     Albert, I.O. “Managing Communal Violence in Nigeria”, Paper presented at the Goethe-Institut/GTZ Round Table on “Crime and Violence”, Johannesburg, South Africa, 18-19 May, 2006.


7.     Albert, I.O. (2006), “Mainstreaming peace education in West Africa”, Paper presented at the UNDP Consultation on the development of Peace Education in Ghana, Chances Hotel, Ho (Volta Region), October 18-21.


8.     Albert, I.O. (2007), SEPHIS/CODESRIA South-South (Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Caribbean) Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development, 3-21 March 2008, St. Louis, Senegal: Convenor’s Presentations on “Historicizing Migrations”.

(a)   “Epistemological, theoretical and methodological issues in social history”

(b)  “Emic and etics: An application of insider/outsider debate to migration historiography”

(c)   “Remembering, forgetting and denying as a strategic question in historicizing migration”

(d)  “Pawns, criminals or economic migrants? Reflections on the social construction of trafficked African sex workers in Europe”

(e)   “Contexts of host/stranger conflicts: Three African case studies”


9.     Albert, I.O. (2009), “Rethinking the challenge of irregular transnational mobility”, Paper Presented at the Symposium on the United States of Africa (USoAfrica), Organised by the Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)/Republic of Senegal, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dakar, Senegal 15-18 June 2009


10.  Albert, I. (2009), “Where the Gun Rules: Criminal Gangs, Ethnic Militias and Niger Delta Militants in Nigeria”, Paper presented at the conference on “The future of armed groups in Africa” organized by the US Department of State and US Africa Command at Mercure Hotel, Garmisch, Germany, November 13 and 14, 2009.


11.  Albert, I.O. (2012), “National security, education and curriculum development”, Invited Lecture at the 27th Annual conference of the Association of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities (AVCNU), Nassarawa State University, Keffi, 25 August 2012.


12.  Albert, I.O. (2013), “Irregular border crossing: Social media and the globalization of Arab Spring”, Paper presented at the 128th Modern Language Association Convention, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA 3-6 January 2013.


13.  Albert, I.O. (2013), “Track V Diplomacy: African Studies in China and Chinese Studies in Africa”, Paper presented at the 3rd meeting of the China-Africa Think Tanks Forum & Launching ceremony of the China-Africa Think Tanks 10+10 Partnership Plan, organized by the Institute of African Studies, Zhejiang Normal University, Beijing International Hotel, Beijing, China, 21-22 October 2013


14.  Albert, I.O. (2013), “China and the mantra of ‘African solutions to African problems”, Paper presented at the “Africa: 54 countries, one union –Integration and infrastructure”, organized by the Institute of West Asian and African Studies (IWAAS) of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Foundation for Worldwide Cooperation, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of John Hopkins University, and The Woodrow Wilson Center, IWAAS Headquarters, Beijing, China 24-25 October 2013.


15.  Albert, I.O. (2016), “Media strategies of MEND and Boko haram in Nigeria”, Paper presented at the weekly seminar series of the Rockefeller Bellagio Center, Bellagio, Italy, February 18


16.  Albert, I.O. (2016), Expert discussant of “Engaging with non-state actors in governance of health” at the World Health Organisation (WHO) technical consultation meeting on “Health Systems Governance for Universal Health Coverage”, Novotel Genève Centre, Geneva, 20-21 June.


17.  Albert, I.O. (2016), “Adversarial legalism: Governor Fashola’s social conflict of renewing the city of Lagos, Nigeria”, Paper delivered at the 27th International Police Executive Symposium (IPES), George Washington University (GWU), Washington DC, USA, August 8-13 2016


18.  Albert, I.O. and Aubyn, F. (2016), “Partners or competitors: Assessing AU-RECs cooperation for PSOs in Africa”, presentation at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre/African Union authors’ meeting on peace support operations in Africa, Ibis Hotel, Accra, Ghana 8-9 September.


19.  Albert, I.O. (2016), “Rethinking the functionality of a security community for managing Boko haram crisis in the Lake Chad Basin”, Paper presented at the International colloquium on “security regimens in Africa” jointly organized by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) in collaboration with Universite des Letteres et Sciences Humaines de Bamako, Bamako, Mali, September 28-29.


20.  Albert, I.O. (2016), “Breaching the fortress Europe through ‘suicide crossing’ from Africa”, Paper presented at the conference on African Migration to Europe jointly organized by the University of Ibadan and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, October 28.


21.  Albert, I.O. (2017), “Regional Engagement in Peacebuilding in Africa: Perspectives and Challenges”, THE KOFI ANNAN – DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LECTURE 2017, Schroder Hall, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, ACCRA, GHANA, 4 April 2017.


22.  Albert, I.O. (2019), “Scoping the security crisis in the Sahel”, Keynote address delivered at the Conference on “Sahelian security in Flux”, organized by the University of Portsmouth, West Africa Peace and Security Network, and Chatham House, Chatham House, London 13 May 2019


23.  Albert, I.O. (2020), “Agenda 2063 and the mantra of African solutions to African problems”, Keynote address delivered at the Seminar on peace and security in Africa jointly organized by the University of Ibadan and University of Portsmouth at Portsmouth, March 1-2, 2020.


24.  Albert, I.O. (2020), “Insecurity and violent conflicts in Nigeria and the role of religious leaders in promoting conflict resolution ad peaceful co-existence in a COVID 19 era”, Paper delivered at the High-Level Dialogue (HLD) on insecurity and COVID19 with Policy Makers and Religious Leaders in Nigeria, Reiz Intercontinental Hotel Abuja, November 29 – December 1, 2020.


25.  Albert, I.O. (2021), “Understanding Basic Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies”, Paper delivered at the Nigerian Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, Jos, 27 September.


26.  Albert, I.O. (2021), “Migration, urbanization and conflict: Research and Development Options”, Keynote address to the National Inception Workshop (blended) on the UKRI/ARUA/GCRF Research Excellence Programme on Migration, Urbanisation and Conflict in African Cities, Arthur Mbanefo Digital Research Centre, University of Lagos, September 23.


27.  Albert, I.O. (2021), “Foreign Support as a Force Multiplier: The Role of Foreign Think Tanks and Military Training and Support”, Virtual colloquium on “Preventing, deterring and defeating insurgency,  hosted by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Canada in partnership with Pan African Strategic & Policy Research Group (PANAFSTRAG) and African Union’s ECOSSOC cluster on Peace and Security, 27-29th September, 2021


28.  Albert, I.O. (2021), “Understanding conflict, its nature and character”, Paper presented at the Nigeria Governors Forum/ Premium Times Academy’s 2-Day Workshop on peace and conflict sensitive reporting for Nigerian journalists, Nigeria Governors Forum House, Maitama, Abuja October 20-21.


29.  Albert, I.O. (2021), “Enhancing counterterrorism efforts in Nigeria through the Defence Attaché system”, Lecture delivered at the Defence Advertisers/Attaches Annual Conference 2021 on “Advancing counterterrorism efforts through enhanced interagency cooperation: A whole of government approach”, Defence Intelligence Agency Hq, Abuja 8 November.




            1.Coordinator, Universities of Ibadan/Pennsylvania (USA) Summer School Programme, 1993.


2.Coordinator, Inst. of African Studies, University of Ibadan Seminar Series,1994-1996


3.Secretary, University of Ibadan Working Group on Indigenous Knowledge System, 1994-1996 (University of Ibadan and Iowa Links)


4.Senate Member, University of Ibadan, 1st Sept.1994-2001.


5. Overseas coordinator, DFID/British Council Link in Peace and Conflict Studies (University of Ibadan and INCORE, University of Ulster, Londonderry), 1996-2001.


6. Sub-Dean (Postgraduate), Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, October 2001-2003


7. Founder and Co-ordinaror, Graduate Programme in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Ibadan (MA, Mphil, and Ph.D programmes), University of Ibadan.


8. Founding National Secretary, Conflict Resolution Stakeholders Network (CRESNET)


9. Founding Co-ordinator (South-west), Peace Studies Association of Nigeria (Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, The Presidency, Abuja, Nigeria)


10. Member, Transparency in Nigeria.


11.Founding Board Chairman, West African Network for Peacebuilding, Nigeria (2003-2005)


12. Board Chairman, Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP)




1.     Dr. Remi Ajibewa

Director of Political Affairs

ECOWAS Commission, Abuja


Tel. 2347034103880


2.     Dr. Chukwuemeka B. EZE

Executive Director|West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP)

Trinity Avenue, Off Mile 7 Road, Achimota,| P.O. Box CT 4434, Cantonments, Accra – Ghana

T. +233-302-411638 / 406340 / 553147910|Mob: +233-24-6999116



3.     Prof. Emmanuel Remi Aiyede

Department of Political Science

University of Ibadan


T. +2347014066779



Professor Isaac Olawale Albert

Permanent Contact Address:

Department of Peace, Security and Humanitarian Studies

(formerly Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies)

University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Tel       +2348033834639 (Mobile)



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